Monday, August 17, 2009

Some thoughts about letting go...

I have been doing some reading online lately and I came across this passage written by Deeprak Chopra that struck me like a lightning bolt for all its simple truth:

"The search for security and certainty is actually an attachment to the known. And what's the known? The known is our past. The known is nothing other than the prison of past conditioning...the unknown is the field of all possibilities, ever fresh, ever new, always open to the creation of new manifestations...This means that in every moment of your life, you will have excitement, adventure, mystery. You will experience the fun of life--the magic, the celebration, the exhilaration, and the exultation of your own spirit."

Here's to letting go of the search for security and certainty! The alternative sounds so much more exciting and makes life feel adventurous!

I did some energy work with a practitioner who used the BioSync method. This method uses pressure points in the belly to line up the 'chakras' or energy meridians in the body. A huge part of it involved what felt like a deep tissue massage in my organs. My practitioner informed me that our organs are where we store emotional pain. The process of releasing this pain can be painful..similar to a side ache.

One thing that keeps coming back to me from this session, was that when he was manipulating my organs, he would come across a resistance(which happened to be my resistance) and the resisting would cause me pain. The thing that he said over and over while pushing into my belly was,


It wasn't until I allowed the release to happen that it actually felt better. As the session progressed, I began to allow him to release even before he started and then what was once painful felt good.

I feel like there is a parallel in this. There are so many things that we are attached to or hold on to and it is causing us pain. We feel all bunched up and tight and like we are white knuckling it through life when

all we need to do to find relief is allow ourselves to accept what is. To let go of the things we are clinging to so desperately, because it usually stands to reason that the things we hold onto the tightest are the things we most need to let go of.

I, for one, am tired of holding on so tight. I want to let go and for the first time...really live.

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